Grants and Fellowships
Grants for the publication of the volume on German Land parliaments by Land agencies of political education (€ 60.000)
Grants for the conference “Democracy—Democratization,” University of Minnesota, May 7–9, 2004:
Midwest Center for German and European Studies ($3,000)
German Academic Exchange Service ($15,000)
Grants ($13,000) for the lecture series “From Bonn to Berlin: Germany and Europe in the 21st Century,” October 20, 2003, and January 20, 2004:
Scholarly Event Fund, University of Minnesota
Midwest Center for German and European Studies
German Academic Exchange Service
Grants for the conference “Federal Elections in Germany 2002: The Red-Green Coalition after Four Years in Office,” Minneapolis, MN, September 26–29, 2002:
Friedrich Ebert Foundation ($5,000)
Scholarly Event Fund, University of Minnesota ($3,000)
Midwest Center for German and European Studies ($10,000)
Lippincott Fund, Dept. of Political Science, University of Minnesota ($10,000)
German Academic Exchange Service ($6,000)
Fellowship for the professorship at the University of Minnesota (2002–2005):
German Academic Exchange Service (€100,000)
Grant for the workshop “Verfassungspolitik und Verfassungsentwicklung im Wandel: Deutschland und Großbritannien im Vergleich,” Humboldt University Berlin, October 22–23, 1999 (in cooperation with Gert-Joachim Glaeßner and Charlie Jeffery:
Anglo-German Foundation (DM 8,000)
Travel grant for the XVIII World Congress of the International Political Science Association in Seoul, South Korea, August 17–22, 1997:
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DM 2,000)
Grant for the publication of my study, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen internationaler Gewerkschaftspolitik [Possibilities and Limits of International Labor Union Politics] (1997):
Otto Brenner Foundation
Research grant to study “The Policies against AIDS in Germany and France” (1991):
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FF 110,000)
Fellowship for my participation at the French-German seminar: “La recherche en sciences sociales et humaines en France,” September 24–October 12, 1990, Sèvres (France):
Robert Bosch Foundation
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique