Werner Reutter, PD Dr. phil.
Invited Talks

© 2013 Werner Reutter, PD Dr. phil.
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Invited Talks

„Subnational Constitutional Politics in a Multilayered System: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Politics in the German Laender“, Vortrag auf dem VIIIth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law; Mexiko-City, 6.-10. Dezember 2010

„Landespolitik im unitarischen Bundesstaat“, Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe: 20 Jahre Thüringen – Thüringen 2020, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 26. Oktober 2010.

„Reform des Bundesrates: unmöglich oder unnötig?“, Vortrag auf dem Symposium: 60 Jahre Bundesrat, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 12.-14. Oktober 2009

„Stellung und Bedeutung des Bundestages im politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“, Vortrag im Evangelischen Johannesstift Berlin, Karl-Theodor-Molinari-Stiftung, 23. Juni 2009.

„Magdeburg – Berlin – Brüssel – und zurück. Landesparlamente im Labyrinth der Mehrebenen­verflechtung“, Vortrag an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 19. Dezember 2007.

„The Vote of Confidence and Parliamentary Government in German Politics“, Vortrag auf dem Workshop der PSA German Politics Specialist Group, 22.-24. September 2006, Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).

„Vertrauensfrage und Parlamentsauflösung“, Vortrag an der Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 30. November 2005.

„Subnational Constitutional Politics in a Multilayered System: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Politics in the German Laender“, Vortrag auf dem VIIIth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law; Mexiko-City, 6.-10. Dezember 2010

„Landespolitik im unitarischen Bundesstaat“, Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe: 20 Jahre Thüringen – Thüringen 2020, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 26. Oktober 2010.

„Reform des Bundesrates: unmöglich oder unnötig?“, Vortrag auf dem Symposium: 60 Jahre Bundesrat, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 12.-14. Oktober 2009

„Stellung und Bedeutung des Bundestages im politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“, Vortrag im Evangelischen Johannesstift Berlin, Karl-Theodor-Molinari-Stiftung, 23. Juni 2009.

„Magdeburg – Berlin – Brüssel – und zurück. Landesparlamente im Labyrinth der Mehrebenen­verflechtung“, Vortrag an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 19. Dezember 2007.

„The Vote of Confidence and Parliamentary Government in German Politics“, Vortrag auf dem Workshop der PSA German Politics Specialist Group, 22.-24. September 2006, Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).

„Vertrauensfrage und Parlamentsauflösung“, Vortrag an der Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 30. November 2005.

“German Federalism and Politics of Higher Education,” invited talks at the University of Minnesota, the University of Washington and York University, Toronto (Kanada), May 3, 5, and 19, 2005.

“Federalism and Parliamentarism: The Landtage in Germany,” paper for the 28th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Washington, D.C., October 6-10, 2004.

“Informalization in German Politics: Kohl and Schröder Compared,” paper for the conference “DemocracyDemocratization,” Minneapolis, May, 7-9, 2004.

“International Trade Unions in Defense of Human Rights. The (possible) Con­tribution of INGOs to the Solution of National Problems,” paper for the con­ference: “Free Movement of People: PastCurrentFuture” at the York Uni­versity, Toronto (Canada), November 14-16, 2003.

“Germany on the Road to Normalcy,” presentation at the Germanic-American Institute, St. Paul (Minnesota), May 9, 2003.

“Warten auf Godot. Das Bündnis für Arbeit, Ausbildung und Wettbewerbs­fähigkeit,” paper for the workshop: “Sozial- und Wirtschaftspolitik von Rot-Grün” at the Center for Social Policy of the University Bremen, March 28-30, 2003.

“The Alliance for Jobs, Training and Competitiveness, the Third Way, and the Red-Green Government (1998-2002),” paper for the conference: “Federal Elections in Germany 2002. The Red-Green Coalition after four Years in Office” at the University of Min­nesota, Minneapolis, September 26-29, 2002.

“Germany before the Elections. Or Does the Red-Green Government Deserve to Be Reelected?” Presentation at the American Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, May 1st, 2002.

“All Politics is Localalso in Germany? Interests of Local Governments, Fede­ralism, and German Asylum Policy,” paper for the 25th Anniversary Conference of the German Studies Association, Washington, D.C., October 4-7, 2001.

“International Trade Union Organizations: In Defense of Human and Trade Union Rights?” Paper for the conference of the IPSA Human Rights Research Committee on: “International Intervention: From Power Politics to Global Responsibility?” Vienna, Renner Institute, August, 22-26, 2001.

“Kommunale Spitzenverbände im unitarischen Bundesstaat,” paper for the conference of the German, Austrian, and Swiss Political Science Association on: “Changes of Federal Structures,” Berlin, June 8-9, 2001.

“International Trade Union Organizations and Technological Change,” paper for the 3rd International Conference on “Technology Policy and Innovation,” Austin, Texas (USA), August 30, 1999.

“Kommunale Spitzenverbände und Demokratie,” paper for the workshop: “Interest Groups, Associations, Movements, and Democracy in Germany 1945–1999,” Münster, July 3, 1999.

“German Asylum Policy or How to Change a Human Right in an Intertwined Poli­tical System,” lecture at the University of Manchester, March 17, 1999.

“The Parliament in Germany,” lecture for the “Transatlantic Masters Program” at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, September 1, 1998.

“La politique du droit d'asil en Allemagne et en Europe,” lecture at the Université de Toulouse le Mirail, June 10, 1998.

“German Parliamentarism,” lecture at the University of Bath, October 22, 1997.

“Aktuelle Probleme nationaler und internationaler Gewerkschaftspolitik und alternative Entwicklungspfade,” lecture at the Berliner Sommer-Uni 97, Sep­tember 8-16, 1997, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

“German foreign policy after unification: domestic influences, global demands and political perceptions,” Paper for the XVII. World Congress of the Inter­national Political Science Association, August 17-21, 1997, Seoul, South Korea.

“Struktur und Politik Internationaler Berufssekretariate,” paper for the work­shop on: “Interest Groups in Comparative Perspective” of the working group on “Interest Groups” of the German Political Science Association, November 17-18, 1995, Science Center Berlin.

“Trade Unions and Politics in Eastern and Central Europe: Tripartism without Corporatism,” paper for the conference: “The Lost Perspective? Trade Unions between Ideology and Social Action,” University of Leuwen, Brussels, February 9-10, 1995.

“Tripartism without Corporatism: Trade Unions in Eastern and Central European Countries,” paper for the conference on: “The Relationship Between Parlia­ments and Organized Interests,” University of Budapest, December 1-4, 1994.

“Trade Unions in Germany after Unification,” lecture at the University of Bath, February 28-March 4, 1994.

“Une Comparaison des Politiques Publiques contre le Sida en France et en Allemagne,” lecture at the Centre de Recherche sur la Politique, l’Administration et le Territoire (C.E.R.A.T.), Grenoble, December 6, 1991.

Participation at the seminar: “La recherche en sciences sociales et humaines en France,” September 24-October 12, 1990, Sèvres (France).

“Strategien und Ansatzpunkte der Fertigungstiefenveränderung: Kriterien und Interessenkonstellationen bei der Entscheidung Eigen- oder Fremdfertigung,” paper for the workshop on “Systemic Rationalization” at the Institut für Sozial­wissenschaftliche For­schung, Munich, June 14, 1988 (in cooperation with Ulrich Jürgens)